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thenewgreen  ·  4074 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: FW: reddit cofounder consulting for Stratfor to bring in the social media dollars

We've never advertised really. What we have found is that people that are passionate about Hubski will mention us of their own accord. Trust me, I'm usually the first to want to say "GO TO HUBSKI" but mk always talks me down from that cliff. -Wisely so. It means a lot more when it comes from someone like you than it does someone like mk or me.

A while back syncretic mentioned us on reddit and many people have made the assumption that he "works for Hubski" or is even the founder of hubski. Such is the cynicism of these things. So rather than play in to that, we avoid it by not being the ones to wave the Hubski banner.

That said, we have noticed when people mention us it works and traffic increases. We really appreciate that. By all means, keep pounding the Hubski drum, this is how the site grows. Thank you very much cowboyhaze.