I didn't know that salty-sweet was an American thing? As for selling fear, I suppose that is one way of looking at it, but I don't actively do that. I do like to "challenge" assumptions and place some doubt in the mind of the person I'm selling to. I have a rule though and it has served me well. I never compromise my authentic self. I will not say or do something that isn't natural to me in order to win business. People pick up on that. When someone says "no" to me or that they aren't interested I get to the bottom of "why" and I challenge that. I then lead the conversation/situation in a way that makes them realize that my product/services are the solution to their obstacles, but I do it in a way that makes them feel like they came up with the idea, not me. It's an art form and when I'm doing it at the highest level, I feel like an athlete at their peak performance. I've worked very hard at getting to where I am from a communication standpoint. It doesn't just happen. But I would challenge the idea that effective selling is about fear, I'd say it's about solutions. Two sides of the same coin really. Solutions to what? -That which they fear.