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comment by humanodon
humanodon  ·  4040 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I Was Dead Wrong

I'm not saying that "US healthcare is not-so-bad." Clearly the policies in place have allowed businesses to take advantage of the system much to the detriment of the citizens, believe me, I know first hand and at the moment I am definitely at the lowest end of income spectrum and I don't have healthcare.

"Trading-in completely" without figuring out how that system will operate and what the possible repercussions would be in a variety of scenarios could result in a system that fails just as utterly as the one we have now. I have the luxury of being relatively young and healthy, so from where I sit, I would rather a well-thought out and conceived state-run healthcare be put into place in a manner that will ensure its success, even if it isn't put into place overnight. The transition period will likely be messy and leave a lot of people with a sour taste in their mouth, but hopefully if the new system is well-crafted, those kinks will be able to be resolved quickly.