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comment by rboone
rboone  ·  4039 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Have we stopped playing on the web? Or is it just me?

You're quite welcome. I think most people are judging, but that's not the problem. The problem is that we give too much weight to that judgement. I remember posting a tweet a few months ago, and not having heard from a user who I'd regularly conversed with for a couple of weeks after that. I suddenly recalled a tweet that I'd posted that could've been misconstrued, and wondered if I'd offended her with that tweet. It was a ridiculous notion, but my imagination got the better of me. Perhaps there was judgement, but 1) in this case, it was all in my imagination, and 2) if there was judgement, how did that affect me, really?

ProtrudedDemand  ·  4039 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think one of the problems is the communication method. People usually rely of non-verbal clues for communication. The internet completely removes that from the picture (excluding face-time websites). It can be hard to get the same understanding from reading what someone wrote as it is from being there and hearing/watching them talk.

rboone  ·  4039 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's a good point. Some have said that that aids our writing ability, by forcing us to think about the implied perception of our words. I think, on some level, it's true. It's also, I think, why we're so eager for better video chat.