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comment by veen
veen  ·  4037 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Have we stopped playing on the web? Or is it just me?

    I suppose part of my solution was deciding I didn't care if everyone liked me - but it's a lot safer to do that in an online medium where you mostly know no one, and the ones you do know you trust to like you anyway. But Twitter. If you like being silly and flip online and often have little snarky things to say....try Twitter. I'll follow you. And I promise, I won't bitch about your hashtags. (Or, you know, whatever.)

First off, thanks for this post, it's got me thinking. Your idea to create a Twitter account is a very good idea but I don't think it's something for me. I like being silly but I don't like the pressure of having to post something every once in a while just to keep the followers interested.

What I do have however is the need to vent thoughts somewhere. I'm still running with the idea in my head of starting a webcomic of some sort. But I am at the I-need-to-do-a-lot-of-work-to-become-any-good-stage of that. Nobody will care is a sentence that does a lot with me. I now try to make stuff in Illustrator every now and then to practice, hopefully I'll be out of that stage before my retirement.