However, with this image-based language, you would all see the door as I intended, because I would have projected the image to you. What would that mean when a shared experience-space wasn't as necessary for precise communication? I also have to think that this could make for some very great humor. Image-based accents could be funny too.
Ha. Maybe the universe is the message, and we just haven't picked up on it yet. :) But, my guess is that if there is a message that we can pick up on, it's right here, but we just haven't developed the ability to detect it yet. As for dolphins, I have to wonder how assuming less for communication affects social interactions. If no one is likely to misunderstand you, is everyone more mellow? I also have to think that they must modify these images to enhance the message. Maybe if you are mad at Sam, you project his image with a big nose." Or, maybe you exaggerate: "That shark was like, THIS BIG!" I wonder how they deal with abstract concepts, like distance or time.