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comment by Hubi
Hubi  ·  4034 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What Was The Last Thing You Made? (Fresh Blood Edition!)

Sure! Unity 3D is a very easy accessible game engine. Everything is cleaned up and there are a lot of tutorials in the engine itself. You can easily add models and textures via drag & drop, adjust the shaders, add normal-, specular- and heightmaps and much more. There is also a huge marketplace, where you can offer your projects and creations for free or even sell them. The community is very friendly and you can quickly create prototypes and such with basic knowledge of modelling and programming (I sadly don't know how to write a single line of code yet). Unity will also be supported on Next Gen platforms and you can "bake" your project with one simple click for Windows, Mac and Linux. If you are interested in this stuff, I can highly recommend that you have a look into this great tool - the basic version of Unity is free, and contains everything from Direct X11 support to complex shaders. The only thing that is missing are real time shadows (which isn't a big problem because of the great lightmapping tool). I hope that this answered your question! Please excuse spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, English isn't my first language.