Instead of requiring coding for each student, I think schools should require a basic logic/proof based course. Teaching a specific language or programming environment is not as effective as teaching a student the basics of logic/discrete mathematics. In the high schools that I grew up in (Southeast US), all I learned in math courses were a distinct set of steps to solve a problem. Courses that would allow students to explore problems that are open ended and require deep thought would show that the field of Math (or STEM in general) isn't all about utilizing formulae or memorizing instructions.
I've been reading a book called Program or Be Programmed. It implies that, since computers are now running everything, learning to program should be right up there with learning to read. This article only talks about MBAs and programming, but I wonder what the impact would be on students in other areas: music, say, or education, or nursing.Courses that would allow students to explore problems that are open ended and require deep thought
Yes, that's a good idea.