I'm not super good at the game, but I enjoy it. I don't follow the pro scene TOO well, but I know some stuff and have obsessed friends who pick up stuff. But I figure we can have some fun anyway!
I'm ranked Bronze I (I swear I got placed in Silver V, I just didn't play ranked enough)
My favorite lane is top (I have too much fun with tryndamere)
I've gotten two pentas (Only one was spoonfed to me by kind friends)
So how about y'all? What exciting stories/facts do you better players have?
I'm in EUNE, just having gotten Gold! Elise skin for me! I do follow the pro scene somewhat, especially now since World Finals are tomorrow! IGN is the same as my Hubski name, TheAceofDiamonds. I've moved lanes alot over time, from top to marksman to finally now mid, really enjoying Orianna, Kassadin, and Zed.
I was hoping Fnatic would make it to finals, but unfortunately not. Right now, I'm hoping Faker goes and makes some amazing plays.
I would also have loved to see Gambit stick around for a few more games. I also have a feeling SKTT1 will take the cup this year, Royal Club did not really impress me with their teamfights.
I just started playing and I can get maybe 4-6 kills in Co-op vs AI. Any tips for beginners?
I'm so sorry, but you reminded me of this song by the Yordles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mESw4w_IrA8. When I played I preferred support with Janna and would have fun supping with Rammus and getting yelled at :D. Mid with Lux, Kat, and Ahri proved quite fun as well. Never made it to ranked, no time to play anymore :(
EUW here, so my servers are broken every weekend! I'm in promos for Gold 3 again, dropped out because of a massive winning streak, I guess it happens. My IGN name is Doodlee, I love to play ADC, but mostly I just play casual and not serious, altough I love to play ranked because its fun to see your progress, I prefer to do ranked team or full pre normals because its more fun if you know eachoter than getting premade with some frustrating person.
I recently dropped from Plat 2 down to Plat 5 almost with a 3-18 record (yes, I'm not even kidding) despite - in my opinion - not changing much about my play style. Now I'm trying to fight my way back on EUW into the upper ranks of the Platinum league, because I seriously don't want that platinum frame, as it looks like a cheap version of the silver one, and much rather have a diamond one ( #firstleagueproblems ). Well, I got 4 more weeks to try to achieve that, let's see what is possible, the competition is dense at the roof of the platinum league.
My IGN is Dàrth Invader and i play on EUW. I started playing in beta, but stopped for a while when SC2 came out. When I went back to LoL and tried to improve a bit, but that took some time. I was unranked in S1, got to gold at the end of S2 and I'm now sitting at Platinum V. My favorite champion is Lee Sin, so i play a lot of Jungle. The first champion I "mained" was Blitzcrank and I still go back to him from time to time. I follow the pro scene pretty closely by watching a lot of LCS and OGN, but because of the bad times for people from EU i can't see as much games from worlds as I'd like to.
Darth invader is such a great name haha. And wow, beta. I think I started mid season 2? I don't quite remember. I like to think that if I really tried to rank up I could get to at least gold, but that's how most bronzies feel. I suck so bad with lee...I think its the two-skills per button thing that is so different from the more auto attack based champs I enjoy that makes me misplay him so much.
I changed it to that about half a year ago, because I was tired of my old name. If you're only playing this long, you will improve for sure. Just don't let your mood get ruined by some random soloQ teammates. The two-skills per button thing on Lee is also a problem for me, but a totally different one than yours. I get bored really fast when I play champions other than Lee because i just get the feel that i could do a lot more with 7 skills instead of 4. That's also why I started to play a bit of LeBlanc, because she also has 5/6 skills and the juking possibilities with her are just insane.