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comment by mk
mk  ·  4033 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Feature Request: Ability to follow users from posts + more.

1 can be found in the upper right of any post. 2 is an interesting idea. We'll discuss it for sure. I'm not sure about 3, but we are soon implementing a bit more info for the poster to understand more about its reach. Coupling that with 2 might provide some good info.

    The more data available, the better!

Not always. Too much can lead to loss of focus and diminishing returns. But I agree that the right data at the right place can do a lot.

I should mention that commenting is often as important to getting followers as posting is.

Esrever  ·  4033 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    1 can be found in the upper right of any post.

Doh. I completely missed that. Thanks for pointing that out.

    I should mention that commenting is often as important to getting followers as posting is.

I happen to have used post to interchangeably mean post/comment. That's just my folly.