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comment by The_Hubbo
The_Hubbo  ·  4029 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Unconscious Positivity: How to Ingrain Happiness Into Your Life

I agree, Ive had a weak depression (scored a couple points below the threshold for a 'proper' episode), and trying to be positive actually made me feel worse. CBT really helped though. Like, REALLY. Because it's all about being factual and reasonable, rather than positive. Replacing the thought "My life is meaningless and Im just going to feel like this forever" with "My life is awesome and Im growing everyday and everything is perfect" isn't healthy. Its replacing one irrationality with another. But consider the thought "Im in a depression which makes everything feel more difficult than normal, but depression is treatable". That's a more reasonable approach, and it actually lets you give yourself a break :)