On the one hand I want to wax philosophical about the illusions of security and how a full life is better than a long life, but who am I to spout such nonsense. I don't have a wife or kids or grandchildren that I want to see grow up. So here's a prayer instead that whatever life you have is worth the cost of living.
A full life is that, regardless of duration. And we're all here to waxy philosophical, lyrical, and anything further as we please! And the same to you too. Luckily I have an amazing SO and sister/brother-in-law/nieces so, I have some connection to the world beyond transient experiences. Heck, that's the best part about life: you may not have a wife, kids, grandkids etc now, but who knows what'll happen in the next year, 5, 10, 20 years. I don't get overly mushy, but I dig hearing stories of people in their 70's and 80's finding love and just kinda shows that there's a time for everything. If you can't live every day to the full, make sure you're at least working towards it.So here's a prayer instead that whatever life you have is worth the cost of living.