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comment by ooli
ooli  ·  4028 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Preparing for national novel writing month?

2k / day is 2 hours of writing, and not any writing, it's about making stuff up. It's hard. Super damn hard. Imagine telling a totally bullshit story to someone for 2 hours? Every day! Good luck.

1/ write in the morning.

2/ write when you're tired (it will shut down your inner editor. Never use tiredness as an excuse to not write)

3/ Give your character totally crazy stuff they are into (copper market stock exchange, botanic from south Arabia, painting with feces, etc ). Anything you can just totally invent on the spot (dont do research, you have no time) . Stuff you can write something about when you have nothing to write, stuff that might amuse you to invent, just to keep the flow going.

4/ Finish your 2k day count in middle of a sentence. The next day you'll already have a beginning.

5/ Never read what you've done so far. That's for the re-writing.