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comment by Kafke
Kafke  ·  4133 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Happens When You Die? Your Thoughts On The Afterlife

My afterlife beliefs are heavily tied in with the rest of my beliefs. So it might be a bit hard to explain.

I suppose the best place to start is my thoughts on time. I regard time (and it's been scientifically shown) that time is a where. Not a when. This is important. As we are all slowly moving through this "W" axis. Now, since time is not temporal, but rather just a location, that means that there's no way for it to "flow". Each location along time is a discrete location that shares no similarities between anything. This'll come into play later.

Following this, that means each "entity" of consciousness is separate from previous iterations. This makes sense. I'm obviously not the same person I was 5 years ago. He and I are different. So what makes me, me? Well, I have my current brain "configuration" which determines my personality, actions, and such. And then there's my memories from previous "iterations". With me so far? Here's where it gets complicated.

So each moment in time is a separate "me". Following the many-worlds interpretation (what I consider to be the most logical interpretation of quantum physics), there are infinitely many me's in a bunch of separate "timelines" where I make different decisions.

So there's an infinite amount of me's, all separate and doing their own thing. Rather, not doing their own thing because they are at discrete locations in time. So really, it's just a bunch of particle configurations.

So where do "I" or "my concsiouness" come in? What is it exactly? That's currently the "hard" question. But it seems the consensus is that it's an emergent function arising from your brain activity. Great. But that still dodges the question. Why am I me, and not you.

Well that's where all this comes together. I consider consciousness to be like any other "natural law". It's one single force/law that influences anything that can be said to have a consciousness. What does this mean for the afterlife?

Simply that once we die, this global "consciousness" will still exist at every location in time and in every single entity that has it. Simply put, I am you and you are me. It's the same consciousness "thing" with different personalities, memories, thoughts, etc. It's eternal and takes place at every possible moment and every possible timeline and every possible conscious thing. At the same time (because time is a location, not a moment).

So what do I think this'll be like for the person dying? It'll probably be something like: you pass out and are unconscious (like when you go to sleep). That's the act of dying. Once you are dead, it'll be no different than when you are alive. Since you are both. Your current frame of experiences will be gone and reframed into something else. This'll mostly look like being born as someone else. But really, you have been and always were that person. But from your subjective experience, it'll appear as if you have just been born. Unable to remember what you just experienced.

This kind of all ties into my general belief that reality is merely information. It's all just a bunch of hypothetical hogwash. Things are they way they are because in one configuration of data, it's possible. So in another configuration (another re-incarnation) the universe could be entirely different and function completely differently.

It's a very difficult idea to grasp, and I've been struggling with it for a few years now. But that's what I believe.

rezzeJ  ·  4133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So essentially, your beliefs are everything from 'The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are' by Alan Watts.

Kafke  ·  4133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I haven't read that book, but if that's what they match, then I suppose. I came up with my thoughts/beliefs on my own, after doing thorough research of modern topics.

rezzeJ  ·  4133 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Fair enough. They are very much alike.