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comment by TheAceofDiamonds
TheAceofDiamonds  ·  4027 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What would you play in this scenario?

1. I'm honestly going to music free in this scenario. I'm bad at cooking in the first place, and I need every bit of focus I have to make sure I don't burn something.

2. It's a house party, so some pop would be on. Katy Perry, Ellie Goulding, things like that.

3. Silence. I'm not huge into music so in a moment like that, I prefer silence.

4. Usually the walk clears my mind more than the music, but something with a nice guitar riff, and lyrics I don't even have to think about would be nice, so maybe some Rammstein.