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comment by alro
alro  ·  4020 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you reading now? Is it any good?

What? Really? I loved that book!

I guess I should say that I'm personally really quite into supernatural stuff, but zombies come at the very bottom of the list because they don't really have a motivation, if that makes sense? So I'm actually not that much of an authority on zombie books..

BUT WORLD WAR Z WAS SO GOOD! Did you really not like the way it was written? I thought it was a fantastic way to do it! Like I said, zombies themselves can get quite boring and I thought taking the thing from a fake sociological perspective is genius. You get the benefit of having a variety of different perspectives - which makes the whole thing a lot more real in the 'it could happen to me' way, and the way that he examined each country/society individually is brilliant - he obviously did a ton of research and it really paid off. I thought the bit about NK was fucking chilling!

TheGreatAbider16  ·  4020 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm not really into zombie stuff, so it takes a lot to impress me in that vein. I'm really reading it for a book club that I direct at my university. Maybe I'm not far enough into it yet and it just has yet to really grip me. Anyway I'm glad you liked it so much!

You're right about the unique appeal of zombies; I think it's interesting to see how engrossed people get in zombie stories. I'm actually attending a lecture soon all about why our culture is so obsessed with them, as well as vampires, and the post-apocalyptic in modern storytelling.

alro  ·  4019 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That sounds really interesting! I'd love to go to something like that.

I think zombies fall more into the realm of disasters or pandemics and stuff like that. Like, stuff about zombies seems to be more focused on the survivors and how they deal with the collapse of society rather than the ~mindset of the zombie.