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comment by Keibler

Their good, but I think they all kinda need to be summed up. Much more positive in my view here though.

Lets put it like this:

The NSA is like a crazy, obsessed stalker.

What would you want to have a stalker to have?

Nothing, right?

If so, then why wouldn't you be opposed to the NSA?

We've seen they have YOUR browsing history, YOUR emails and texts, YOUR naughty pics that were supposed to go to that girl, and now YOUR contact lists, and how much you've talked to them! They've profiled YOU, as a person, as a man or women, and your family, your neighbor, and ANYONE, ANYONE you've ever met, saw, or thought about.

Even worse is that unlike a Stalker, it's legal for them, and do it they do. All day, all night.

They may not look at it, but who the hell cares if they do, they have it without you giving them YOUR consent.

And if they want, they can look at it with out you ever knowing. Just think about that, everything digital you've ever done, they know.
