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comment by mk
mk  ·  4015 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed

I've read this article before, it's definitely one of his better ones.

Personally I have a habit of keeping a lot going on that competes with my work, and the wholesome activities described. I do feel that the 40-hour work week is one size that doesn't fit all very well. Some people seem to enjoy just one pursuit, and when that matches their career, they are often quite happy and successful, however retirement poses a challenge.

I wonder about the people that work 40 hours to no real pleasure, and then consume. It seems to be a large part of the population. These people could likely benefit from more leisure and social activity. IMO a 4-day workweek would probably suit most people like this that I know. I think most of them would join some sort of activity, like a sports team, yoga, club, etc., and this interaction would build stronger communities. Actually, when my parents were young, my grandmothers did not go to work, nor did most of the other women in the neighborhood. This mix of a 40-hour week and a non-work week in a family probably increased the health of communities overall. It's interesting to think what effect my grandmother's perspective might have had on household consumption.

Consumption has so many costs.