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comment by erin
erin  ·  4012 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: What has been your favourite technological advancement in the last 15 years?

I would never give up my gadgets... but I'm going to have to deviate from the pack and say advancement in medicine and medical technology.

(NHL fans be jealous.) I was listening to Scotty a Bowman talk today about all the surgeries he underwent as a young hockey player and the damage they did to him. Doctors in the 50s didn't realize that if you tore cartilage it's a bad idea to take all of it out. Not to mention, they hacked you up pretty good just to get in there.

I've had so many joints scoped and reconstructed, I have to believe I'm better off having had these surgeries in the 21st century than not. Even 15 years ago, I'm sure the materials, tools and techniques, maybe even drugs, aren't as good as they are today. I mean, hell, people who have hip or knee replacement surgery are up and walking the same day. That's nuts.

I can still play sports, and more often than not I find the 'repaired' parts feel 100 percent better than the ones that have not been cleaned up from wear and tear.

Hooray for modern, modern medicine.