I don't actively remember the names attached to content. Most of the time, I find something I like, spend some time on it (as with this, I read something like 3 / 4 pages of his tumblr) and just remember how to find it. If I like it enough, I'll spend more time on the creators' site / Twitter and through repeated exposure of the name it'll be wired in my brain. Anonymity is preserved that way, as I usually don't go out of my way to find the person / name. A great example of anonymity done right online would be CGP Greywho makes interesting educational videos on YouTube. He never wants to appear on film or photos as CGP Grey (he even asked Hank from Vlogbrothers to hide his face here) . His Twitter is active and he makes great content but as far as I can tell he stays anonymous.
I'd advise his video on The Netherlands, as it is very accurate (I'm from the Netherlands myself) and informative. Or his great videos on political systems.