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comment by Meriadoc

I'm very disturbed by a lot of what Canonical has ended up doing. They look and sound like Microsoft, except they pretend to care about privacy. That's unfair-- they do care about privacy, but they make missteps and take the way of trying to hide it instead of fix it. I understand how massively difficult what they're trying to achieve is, but the GNU/Linux community will not stand for this kind of shit. RMS probably has in the past and will have a fucking field day with them if they continue to do this shit. They should know that as a community we/they won't stick around if you fuck your users. There are plenty of distros that can be and will be used over yours, and the people using them know how to switch and are willing.

I still like Canonical. What they're doing is respectable, and if something like the Edge ever comes to fruition I'll still buy it, and I hope they turn it around so I can openly suggest Ubuntu and their products to people, but as for now, my computer is going to stay on Fedora and my friends will be getting Mint or something else at least until they're sorted, which may seem like a boring threat, but when we're discussing empires built on word of mouth, that's a crumbling foundation.