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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3992 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Son, my smartphone isn’t actually attached to my hand

I get that this is a lot harder for others, but it's worth pointing out that the ones who take to the forums, who take to the blogs, who launch their neurosis across any available platform are the ones who haven't figured this shit out yet.

Thinking about it now, it kinda pisses me off - if it weren't for scare stories like this, I might have attempted parenthood a long time ago. As it was, all the ZOMG PARENTHUD IS TEH HOLLOCOST articles and blog posts and general whiny miasma of attention seeking martyrs really set my expectations in entirely the wrong place.

PROTIP: if it takes having a child to make you realize that you spend too much time on your phone, you're overly self-absorbed. Further, if you need to write about your self-absorption rather than deal with your self-absorption, it's not going to get any better. Just sayin'.

insomniasexx  ·  3992 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I read this more of a creative writing / bigger picture / idea piece than a literal play by play of a guys day or life. I sincerely hope he actually isn't that obsessive over his phone while with his child. He should be enjoying the baby in all his gooey, slobbery amazing glory. I'm sure holding a baby for 4 hours while it falls in and out of sleep is easier when you have a smartphone to look at. Every time I've held babies I just want to look at them. When they sleep they are pretty magical.

Nonetheless, I found it an interesting look at this new wave of techy parents. Nothing more and nothing less.