Personally, I'm a fan of business , but it too easily becomes bad business when mixed with authority and government. Free trade is probably the most stable economic system around. When added to government though, it's a completely different story. Having a single entity with only slightly more authoritative power than the rest destroys the concept of business, as well as the former governing system. By adding business to the government, you add greed, corruption, and trickery. Politics should be driven solely on the beliefs and values of the candidate rather than capitol. Let's hope the world sees the US as an example and chooses not to follow in their footsteps.
I'm personally opposed to corporatocracy, more than free trade. I think we need government regulation. Not because free trade doesn't work, but because corporations don't work. Corporations are inherently psychopathic. Public companies are legally required to seek maximum profit, without regard for morality. I firmly believe America is a Corporatocracy. Libertarians like to rant about Regulation, but I think almost all regulations (along with most other laws) were purchased by some company to harm some other company. I understand it would be hard to accomplish big things without organization, but I think society needs a way to cooperate in an ethical manner. I'm a big fan of The Cooperative Movement. Every system has its flaws, but I think co-ops go a long way towards solving the sociopathic problems of corporations.Free trade is probably the most stable economic system around.