No, it won't simply go back to the same rate. $3k for example could be used by people to start an online business or a small local business(like a food cart) for example. At the very least for many it will help their children eat, with the extra $250/mo. Did things just go back to how they where after welfare or social security were implemented? They did not, and this would be similar. Considering the increasing population, the decreasing real wages, the increasing amount of outsourced jobs, the increasing amount of part time and temp jobs over full time jobs, the increasing taxes on everything, poverty should be going up. Wages are going down and down and down:
This is GOP propaganda. Many many people have ideas for businesses, they do not have the confidence, security, or know how about how to start one. Would you start a business if it meant failing would put you on the street? I didn't for this very fear. To say they'd just spend it is wrong and misguided. At best, you can say they're not aware of the manipulation in the media that incites them to buy shit they don't need. However this is not everyone, there are many, many, many hardworking poor families that do not waste money.