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comment by req
req  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Poverty in America Is Mainstream

Something I like to keep in mind: There is always more money owed than currently in circulation. This in essence requires some people to default and go bankrupt each year, poverty is therefore built into our economic system.

To me it's even more shameful that we don't take care of those in poverty enough when we require that some be in poverty...especially when our military budget is so stupidly high.

NotPhil  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    To me it's even more shameful that we don't take care of those in poverty enough when we require that some be in poverty.

Today I looked up our welfare system. We have welfare for the elderly and blind who are in extreme poverty, and we have welfare for children and their mothers who are in extreme poverty, and ... that's it.

Oh, we also have food stamps, if you can meet the criteria for them, but it looks like that's going to be going away soon.