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comment by mknod
mknod  ·  4067 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 16 People On Things They Couldn’t Believe About America Until They Moved Here

This is probably just me being very "American centric" but I love reading stuff like this. I like how almost everyone mentioned the portions of food and cars.

I particularly liked this line:

    It really is a diverse place, much more so than many foreigners really understand. A country that can produce both Snoop Dogg and Westboro Baptist Church is like no other place (seriously!).

What a great image!

katakowsj  ·  4067 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is an awesome piece. Reading it makes me realize how grateful I can be for what I do have and how I can more easily appreciate all of it. The Russians that were surprised by how we took hot showers all of the time hit me. Yeah, I'll enjoy tomorrow's hot shower just a bit more. Why is it a person has difficulty realizing how great things are until we can imagine life without the things that make it great?