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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How can I save money when I'm already in debt?

    I would ask "what are you studying" before doling out that advice. It may make more sense to get to his true earning potential more quickly than "painting houses" for a year to pay off a small amount of debt.

As a finance student myself I am well aware! But I have to somewhat disagree with the rest of your post. The learning years don't have to be expensive -- leaving school with debt is an automatic, acceptable thing for gen Y, and it pisses me off. Terrible, irresponsible mindset; not their fault. It's just what's done. But the fact that OftenBen is making a post like this means that his "learning years" can become saving years. Why not? Maybe life will be a bit harder for a while, but those are the times we live in.

Your post makes perfect sense but -- why not start now? Start the plan from today instead of from post-grad and already a bit farther behind. It's hard though to hand out fiscal advice on the internet because every single situation is a little bit different.