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comment by HedonicTreadmiller
HedonicTreadmiller  ·  3981 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Scott Adams from Dilbert on assisted suicide ... wow.

Wow I had never heard of that movie, too bad it isn't on netflix or I'd watch it tonight. Another popular story which shaped my early understanding and views on the issue is Of Mice and Men, when (SPOILER) George saves Lennie from an inevitable, painful death by ending his life in a state of bliss.

It must be the group of people I find myself around or perhaps my age, because whenever the subject of euthanasia comes up it is almost unanimously agreed upon that it should be legal. I definitely see the legality of it coming around as the older generation dies out and the younger generation starts to vote.

nowaypablo  ·  3981 days ago  ·  link  ·  

cough cough

Hey kid, i've got somethin for you, why dont you take a look.

Note: It's very long. Watch it when you know you'll finish watching it.

And I agree with you, but again it just could be the bias of our environment in part.