I do this, ironically I am currently doing this with Rimbaud's Illumunations lil so if that's supposed to be some sort of dirty secret, oops. It's all just surrealist poetry to me! Probably a bit too drunk to be on hubski tonight. EDIT: holy SHIT wasoxygen I just noticed you have Least Heat Moon's book -- one of the best reads ever -- never really encountered another copy of that out in the wildConfession: Sometimes I permanently keep books others have "lent" me. Maybe that is what happened with wasoxygen
Blue Highways was acquired on the strength of a single recommendation from the housemate of a housemate, probably fifteen years ago. We weren't that close, so his opinion wasn't enough to get me to read the book, but such was his enthusiasm that I was never able to select that volume for disposal during any of the various space-saving purges over the years. Now that I have two strong recommendations, odds are good the book will soon be promoted from bookshelf to my bag, and in any case preserved from "trash basura śmieci" stickers.