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comment by req
req  ·  3958 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why you can’t stop checking your phone

To put it simply, we've become addicted to our smartphones. Anything you do for about 3 weeks beings to rewire your brain.

I gave up my smartphone for about 2 months after I was fed up with Google and their making Android more and more closed source as well as increasingly close workings with the DoD and gov.

Now I use a smartphone that mainly just gets online. People text me, I get to them when I get to them. I don't use Facebook or social networking because it's mostly a waste of time and dehumanizes actually interacting with your friends and family.

Best part? I don't miss a single app after having using Android since the 1st day it came out w/ the G1 until mid this year.

Even better actually, I find myself reading books more instead of spending most of my freetime on reddit, social networking, messing with apps, the smartphone itself, etc.

JackTheBandit  ·  3958 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is what I've been noticing too since stepping away from social media and generally using technology as a means of consumption. [ I too have been with Android since the G1 launch and am also upset with Google's recent behaviors.]

I've gone back to searching the internet for places that interest me, returning to reading more, etc. When you turn technology into a vice or just another convenience, you realize indulging in these behaviors actually impedes you from being a better human being in many ways. I think its a behavior that gets swept over because humanity has never had to deal with having so many readily available tools that increase comfort. It's an addiction that we dont seem to have the will to confront. Like, we're okay with treating the default human state as a handicap remedied by technology.

req  ·  3954 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Facing our demons, it's something very difficult for so many to do. Why else is alcoholism, partying, and escapism so rampant? So many don't want to think about anything that makes them feel negative or doesn't reinforce their viewpoints. Unfortunately this has huge consequences everywhere, especially and unsurprisingly people's mental health. So many seem to work all day and then when they're get drunk so they won't remember the night!

It's been nice being less addicted to the internet and technology. I only get in hubski weekly and twice a week on reddit these days.