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comment by creepyinfant
creepyinfant  ·  3937 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: [macro photos] Elements [album]

Thanks. Yeah, I'm still gauging how people are reacting to them. I'm not sure what the initial thoughts are, but if it's "wtf is that?" then I'm doing pretty good.

It's a lot of materials. Acrylic paint is the color foundation, mainly. Salt, sugar, sand, glass shards, etc.

Thanks for the eyes.

Cheap/jury rigged equipment, lighting. But I'm not buying any more equipment because a. no money and b. This is good enough. Yeah, it would look amazing at 18MP, but it is a good enough proof of concept.

I literally have no frame of reference for this stuff because it just seems like it's too far out to have been done before. It's still life, it's painting, it's photography, it's alchemy.

I have plenty of ideas, but I feel like I might be burning out for the time being after hundreds of images--most still unprocessed--which I don't know what to do with. --actually, any general suggestions are welcome. Besides making images of another dimension, I have no idea what I'm doing.