Spot on. My bike back in the US was a crappy old Yamaha Virago 920, v-twin (basically a bored out 750 for the extra cc's), and the extra power is so nice on the highway. Mine had a digital speedo which wouldn't go above 85 mph (by design), which I thought was a smart idea - going any faster than that, you got no business looking at it anyway, and it prevents you from pushing up to triple digits to see it tick over.
I've got a digital speedo on the Benelli and it has the drawback of demonstrating exactly zero of the drama you're incurring by leaping off the onramp at 7000RPM in 3rd. The digits just sort of blur; "68" and "98" are placidly similar enough that you're like "whatever" but the reality of the situation is YOU ARE ENTERING THE FREEWAY AT DAMN NEAR 100MPH AND YOU HAVE THREE GEARS TO GO. The tach, on the other hand, does a great job of saying "hoo boy we're having fun now. VROOM VROOM VROOM"