This is not news by any means, but this video stays very fascinating. It shows Douglas Engelbart demonstrating new concepts such as the computer mouse, text editing or video conferencing as early as 1968.
I find it fascinating to see how, that soon, he was devising and toying with concepts that we still use today. Everything was new, and I think that the appartus he uses with his left hand (see 34:00 or so) very much demonstrates that everything could be invented, and all had yet to be invented (and some of what he invented didn't stick, obviously).
I very much like the point brought forward by one of the comments on that video: Steve Jobs was 13 years old at the time (and Steve Wozniac 18). UNIX had yet to be released.
Douglas Engelbart died last July at 88, so you might have seen that video then. If so, I apologize for that 45 years old repost :).