Well, there's your problem! It's interesting that someone would think that 8 liters of Ruby Red Squirt each day would be ok. "It is a North American problem," Vetter added. "In the E.U., BVO will never be permitted." This is what I envy about Europe. Health and science plays a much larger role in policy making. In the US, money is so dominant, that we debate things like global warming, and whether or not cigarettes are bad for you long beyond the need for debate. It's embarrassing.
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/mum-has-heart-at... There's a reason every sugar cereal in the country is advertised as "a part of a complete and balanced breakfast." When you pretend this shit is going to be consumed in moderation you can ignore the fact that it's a nutritional black hole. Been reading "The End Of Food." Paul Roberts points out that up until the Boer War, 30% of the calories consumed daily by Britons were from the jam on their bread. The navy stepped in and demanded reforms because they couldn't find enough able-bodied men to crew their ships.
Also, in other heart breaking news, I know several nurses who work with infants who have reported seeing soda in baby bottles (I live/work in the ghetto). Adults can do whatever the fuck they want, but I can't begin to speculate about what soda does to an infant's development. Child abuse, plain and simple.