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comment by thatguywithshoes
thatguywithshoes  ·  3930 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Parallel Between Present Society and Pre-Industrial Revolution Society

EV surely is a nice complement for the private household but comparing that to the surge which coal brought to society is a bit over the top. Fusion could be something as revolutionary. It is fine and dandy to live off the grid as a single household, it is a whole different thing if you are talking about industry. They mostly need huge amounts of power 24/7. That is something Solar and wind are not capable of delivering. Geothermal is only viable in some specific places. With wind and solar you always need something to fall back on and that is typically gas or coal. All those servers and serverfarms also want to stay online 24/7.

Also electricty generation is only about a quarter of all the energy a society consumes. Also I never heard anything about decentrealized geothermal plant. Those drilling operations for a geothermal plant aren't exactly cheap. I don't see your concept hapenning anywhere in the forseeable future.