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comment by TheGreatAbider16
TheGreatAbider16  ·  4056 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Fifty-Fifth Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

Lately I've been into tons of new music.

First off, I've been trying to listen to Animal Collective. I find the lyrics to be purely poetic and fascinating, but I'm having a lot of trouble really getting into the sound of it, which usually puts me on edge.

The Weakerthans is another one I've been listening to lately. While their sound, which I'd call alternative rock on the rocky side, is pretty good, the real joy in their music is again the fantastically written lyrics.

Revisiting Death Cab For Cutie's albums Narrow Stairs and Plans has been a real pleasure for me this month, as well as The National's album, Boxer.

Portugal. The Man has been added to my library this month, and while I find that about half the music they produce is boring to me, the other half I enjoy greatly, especially their latest album, Evil Friends

Finally, I've been enjoying the well-crafted and often-cryptic lyricism of Cameron McGill found in the music of Margot and the Nuclear so and so's.

_refugee_  ·  4055 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Which is your favorite Death Cab album? How do you feel they stand in comparison to the Postal Service?

Ha! I saw Margot and the Nuclear So-and-So's in Philly, oh, at least a year ago? Maybe two. They were opened by a band called Writer and Ezra Furman and the Harpoons. I am particularly fond of this Ezra Furman song. I have to admit I liked the two openers better than Margot.

T-Dog  ·  4052 days ago  ·  link  ·  

IMO, transatlanticism is number one by far. Narrow stairs is also great.

It's hard for me to compare postal service to death cab, actually. That album is really close to me and has inspired a lot of the music that I make. I wish they would've released more music because it's not really fair to compare death cabs entire discography with that one album. If I had to, I would say it's tied for number one with transatlanticism, but I'm probably quite biased.

_refugee_  ·  4014 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I completely agree about comparing Death Cab to Postal Service. In sheer volume, Death Cab has done so much more. Frankly I always liked Postal Service better but because of quantity couldn't rate Postal Service over Death Cab. So I guess yeah, I could see them being tied.

TheGreatAbider16  ·  4055 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's tough to decide my favorite Death Cab album, but I'd have to say Transatlanticism, followed by Narrow Stairs and then Plans. Codes and keys would be last, behind their EPs. I don't care for that one.

I can understand that about Margot. They have a sound that's to get into, I think. their music, to me, is something to be closely listened to and experienced in a very deliberate way. Unlike Ezra Furman, whose music is a lot easier to listen to casually or in the background, so belt out, to dance to, etc.