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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3914 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "ADHD does not exist"

I think Adderall and other stimulants have a real potential to be abused by those with disordered eating patterns or full-blown eating disorders. I'm not saying I think these people would try to get a prescription just for that benefit, but if you have a child or teen with those underlying issues who also is considered ADD or ADHD, I think you have a potential recipe for disaster.

On a less severe level, I've heard more than once of people who want to lose weight so they just "take their medicine" until they lose it, and then they go off of it - which teaches terrible eating patterns and dependence, by the way. (In both cases these people were in the group that felt that ADD medication made them boring, so instead of taking it daily they took it "as necessary." Which is an interesting tactic to think about in and of itself, I guess.)