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comment by jayfixkleenit
jayfixkleenit  ·  3908 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski what is your idealogy? Political, Spiritual, Personal.

I used to feel so much more comfortable labelling myself politically/spiritually when I was younger. As I've left college, worked, quit a job, and almost joined a new one, I've found myself beaten progressively towards the centre politically. I look back at the days I used to identify myself as an anarcho-marxist/neo-marxist/whatever-else-ist with the same amount of scepticism as I applied to 'the system' then. I do define myself as politically very liberal, though. The only trouble is that there is no Indian liberal party that I feel truly represents the kind of 'liberal' that I am. Middle class problems, I guess, but for me it isn't theoretical. Our elections are coming up, and I'm not even certain where I stand on the issue of participation.

I've been a hopeful atheist for as long as I can remember. I believe in a customised version of the philosophy of Theravada Buddhism, though, and the books I've read on the subject gave me peace of mind when I needed it most. Personally, I find it hard to reconcile my adolescent interest in existentialism with a belief in Buddhist philosophy, which is why I use the word customised, I guess.

Who knows? (Which is also probably the best way to sum up my personal philosophy at this point.)