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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3906 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Forget State Lines — This Map Shows You How America is Really Divided - PolicyMic

    The former I agree with, it is not the best way to do this, but the latter I have to disagree.

I'm not sure if I agree or disagree. I'll say that American domestic policy is an utter shambles. I'll say that local is far easier to connect with than regional, and that "national" is antagonistic. It's far too easy to blame the other side of the country with everything that's wrong with policy.

    What can be useful is the way the region is used. The noun region doesn't matter, it's important whether it is used as a tool or not.

Well, speaking from a standpoint of high speed rail, addressing things as "regions" is fucked. I can get from Seattle to Portland on Amtrak for $30. It takes just barely as much time as driving. I can get from Los Angeles to San Diego for $25. It takes less time than driving. But from Los Angeles to Seattle takes four.fucking.days and costs twice what it costs to fly.

Our rail system is regional, and it's completely broken. The other industries I can think of do not think regionally, and they're a lot more functional. Airlines are "regional" but there isn't a single one that isn't part of some partner fleet. Airlines think globally/nationally, rather than regionally, and they function. Amtrak thinks regionally and it's a catastrophe.