Drifting along. Painfully being dragged to the dream I had as a kid. Where 12 year old me wanted to be? Absolutely. Where 20 year old me wants to be? Not even close. Lots of things. Many of which require waiting. Others require me to get off my lazy ass. And others require pure luck. Not a damn clue. Be happy? Is that an answer? I don't think so. Not knowing means I have nothing to chase ruthlessly. And as such, I chase reddit. Or Facebook. Or Hubski. Spinning my wheels. The direction I'm pointed I don't really care to go in, but I can't see what direction I do want to go in. Or if there is even a worthwhile direction at all. No clue. Nope. You can change at any time.Hubski, what are you doing with your life?
Are you where you want to be?
Is there something that you want to change?
Do you know what you want to do in life?
Is it okay to not know?
How do you go about figuring out what it is that you want?
Is it ever too late to change?