I used to think politics was boring and kind of a waste of time, but now I understand politics to be very important for how societies operate in that politics is a close cousin to group dynamics. I used to think the same thing about economics, but that's changed as well. I also used to have this thing about friendship. For me to consider someone a friend, we'd have to get along really well and be supportive of each other, but also in the same general geographic region. Now, I don't think that last part is very important, but I do think that the willingness to maintain a friendship has to be there on both sides. Unfortunately, I now realize how many people think about friendship along the lines of how I used to think. Lastly, I used to say that I would not date a girl with more body hair than I have. This is no longer the case, though it's not like I'm a huge fan of body hair now or anything.
>Lastly, I used to say that I would not date a girl with more body hair than I have. This really does depend a lot on how much of a bear you are. If you're bald male stripper waxed head to toe, sack to ass crack, I would say it was somewhat demanding. If on the other hand you're a bearded mountain man with a thick pelt of hair from your shoulders to your ankles, then it's more reasonable.