This is part of something in the works, but I thought I'd let you know about some behind-the-scenes functionality that you might find interesting/useful.
If you add &filter=# to the end of your feed url where # is a number, you will get all posts in your feed with # shares. For example:
Returns all posts with 3 shares in my feed.Also, this works:
returns all posts with more than 3 shares in my feed.
returns all posts with less than 3 shares in my feed.
We will be applying the same to other feeds, global, tags, chatter, in time and expanding the sorting options on some pages.
This is still a work in progress.
UPDATE: As Kaius mentioned in a post, our first implementation using a colon could confuse some browsers. We've updated to using query strings, and I've updated the links above to reflect it. (I had to make them dead links, as the markup was choking on &, something we will have to fix.)