First of all I apologize for failing to make a clean statement. Second the singularity is a Science Fiction term for when technological advance becomes to quick to track or some suchness. The joke (which is no longer a joke because I have to explain it and more importantly because no body laughed) is that some folks believe technology and society can be predicted in the same why as the physical processes. (I disagree for all that is worth.) third the joke about exact dates 1 trillion years into the future literally means a precise amount of time 365,242,000,000,000 days but when used actually means around one trillion years such a big number that human lifetimes are a round-off error. I hope I have not made it worse sometimes I feel like an idiot version of Captain Manhattan.
Well I'm just glad you explained it for me. You learn something new everyday, thank you!
Thanks for calling me on it I have a bad habit of thinking oblique and esoteric is the same as clever.