Did the protesters win in Ukraine because they armed themselves, or did they win because they got shot on international television? If you truly don't understand and want to learn instead of just having an opinion, read the entries and studies at the website I mentioned above.
Neither. But let's not get into that. I guess I should rephrase what I said. I do understand why people would be agains't owning guns, as described in the article you posted. My point is unless guns are eradicated entirely world wide, from the public and the government, from special forces and neighbouring countries, there will always be a power differential between two groups that will lead to circumstances far more detrimental than the atrocities of domestic gun crime in the first place.Did the protesters win in Ukraine because they armed themselves, or did they win because they got shot on international television?
The classic argument to what you're saying is that guns do not help arm the populace. There isn't a gun in the world that could save me if I got on the radar of the US government for something serious. So arming up is 100 percent the wrong way to go about protesting a problem with your state.