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comment by HedonicTreadmiller

Good points. There is so much flip-flopping throughout the article. How about this one:

    Let's be clear about one thing: I know exactly what I'm doing.
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    What I did not expect was that I would be brutally bullied and harassed online. I did not expect that every private detail about my life would be dissected.

She has a hugely inflated sense of self worth and influence. She has gone from claiming to want to hide her identity to making bold claims like

    I am well aware: The threat I pose to the patriarchy is enormous. That a woman could be intelligent, educated and CHOOSE to be a sex worker is almost unfathomable.

I don't know about everyone else, but I don't look up the academic background of the actress when watching porn. And as far as I'm concerned, she hasn't proven to have much intelligence or education up to this point (I assume most actresses graduated high school).