Based on this it looks there a couple of options for employment: 1. Given multiple opportunities, decide which companies dream you would most like to invest in and help make a reality. 2. Given less opportunities, accept a position which you might not agree with or have interest in bolstering. 3. Say screw it and start your own business or pursue some business venue that you can control. For the most part. I have an LLC that entirely depends upon people wanting to release music and people caring enough about the music to spend money on it and book the bands and/or see them live. The interesting part is when bands and agents reach out to us to inquire about releasing music on our label or asking about the availability/interest of bands for shows. Then things get fun. Some of things (mortgage, retirement fund) aren't things that I'm even pursuing yet since I'm still in college, but as for savings I'm trying to save something on the order of 40% of each paycheck of this internship which some weeks I save more and some less but hey, I'm making an effort! I try not to spend my money on things that aren't housing/utilities/transportation/food/concerts. In that aspect most of the concerts funds are under-the-table, ticketmaster and fees free directly into the hands of the bands themselves.What does it mean "to dream?" Is your dream to come up with revolutionary software that will change the world? Or is your dream to help GOOGLE come up with revolutionary software that will change the world? 'cuz I guarantee you - Google is not invested in your dream. Google is invested in their dream and it's worth some bread and circuses to trick you into believing that their dream is yours.
...And so are you.