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comment by kleinbl00

    The moral hazard, as it were, may make you earn more than you might otherwise, but take that out and you're still doing better per hour than a waitress.

You quote this as a maxim but it's simply not true. Friends of mine once posted on craigslist:

"Wanted: girls to give a yeti a blowjob on camera. There will be pizza."

Three chicks showed up.

On the other hand, a server at a nice restaurant can make a thousand a night.

    I can't get past supply filling a demand here.

Exactly. If there were less stigma, there would be less money. That's why there's such a glut of amateur porn nowadays- the high end has gone away because acceptance has gone up.

    With prostitution, I would again go back to demand causing a supply.

Prostitution is service. Pornography is performance. Prostitution is individualized attention. Pornography is generalized exhibition. There is no comparison.

user-inactivated  ·  3890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    You quote this as a maxim but it's simply not true. Friends of mine once posted on craigslist:

    "Wanted: girls to give a yeti a blowjob on camera. There will be pizza."

    Three chicks showed up.

    On the other hand, a server at a nice restaurant can make a thousand a night.

Oh come onnnn, that's not a rebuttal. I mean, the articles you linked earlier put hard and fast prices on porn work and it was comparable to $1000 a night (which is high for waitresses I've known). I would guess that on the whole porn probably pays better than waiting tables per hour, but not cumulatively -- but if you're a busy college student time's not what you got. We may just have to agree to disagree on the sheer numbers of it.

    If there were less stigma, there would be less money. That's why there's such a glut of amateur porn nowadays- the high end has gone away because acceptance has gone up.

I would change 'has gone away' to 'is slowly going away'. I think you're right here but the pro industry clearly still pays something, whether or not you believe the 800-1000 per shoot number.

kleinbl00  ·  3890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I mean, the articles you linked earlier put hard and fast prices on porn work and it was comparable to $1000 a night

That was top-of-your-game, billing-at-porn-conventions money. Not "I was featured once for twenty minutes on Youporn" money.

    I think you're right here but the pro industry clearly still pays something, whether or not you believe the 800-1000 per shoot number.

I don't believe this girl is that level of pro. I mean, fuck. She's in NC.

user-inactivated  ·  3890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Without hard numbers it's impossible to run a true cost-benefit. I would bet she makes somewhere in the 400-500 range, but I haven't a clue.