The only thing I got from the article, aside from the glaring sensationalism, is that they completely misinterpreted the sources they cited (or maybe didn't even read them at all) and that if you don't train and practice with your self-defense firearm you're an idiot. Actually, after perusing through some of the cited sources it would lead me to believe that there is significantly less gun-related violence toward women. I'm a cynic, though. Both sides of the gun argument have compelling and legitimate arguments so there must be some sort of ulterior motive for it to still be getting so much media coverage. Unfortunately most proposed solutions to this perceived problem that are widely public aren't very good. And, as far as I can tell, this article is just more bitching about the fact that guns exist.
Well, thank you for insulting my friend. Feel free to present some as an actual contribution. Is this a joke? Surely you're aware that the NRA is the second most powerful private organization in the country. This issue will never die until special interest lobbying is much more heavily regulated than it is now.Both sides of the gun argument have compelling and legitimate arguments
so there must be some sort of ulterior motive for it to still be getting so much media coverage.