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comment by lil
lil  ·  3886 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Has a Poem Ever Changed Your Life? - or given you a pause?

People have been looking for this poem (I can tell by the record of web searches) - so I just want to put it up in lines.

Bach in Brimnes

  Stebbi brings his cello into Brimnes.
  He is a big thick fellow with ham fists,
  Who looks like a seaman or a deck hand
  More used to tubs of fish than cello bows.
  No scores here, so he plays what he knows:
  Bach! Let's have some Bach! Play a saraband!
  The cello seems too big for this small room
  But when he starts the Saraband in G,
  The whole house grows too tiny for the tune,
  As if the walls demanded to expand
  Another fifty meters toward the sea
  To make a proper space for all this sound,
  If any human space at all could house
  The planets whirling around inside this suite.