Mannnn, isn't that the truth. I'm salaried, and right now I'm experiencing a massive push to complete a phase. Once, my mom put me through therapy (in an attempt to curb my procrastination and make me more assertive, HAHaha, ok mom). I forget what feeling or desire I had outlined, but my therapist/friend-for-hire conceded that "if it's primal, it's valid". I'm all for attempting transcendence, but pretending we aren't all monkeys is usually a mistake. Also, please tell me what the phrase "putting on airs" means, I'm planning on using it in the next awkward workplace conversation... Cheers!Work is the biggest drain.
We're animals pretending we're somehow above our nature.
Oh man I do not envy salaried employees. They got you by the balls these days, don't they? Anyway putting on airs bullshitting. Pretending to be something you're not. La di da and all that. Not sure how you'd work that into conversation...try it with an English accent.
Can confirm: Balls currently in a vice. This sentence typed during a teleconference. Hahah, I'll definitely bust out my Brit dialect when I drop that phrase. Thanks.